Tuesday, August 16, 2005

The Exurbs

From jack/zen :

"The fastest growing development in the country (US) is the exponential growth of exurbs - the formerly rural areas now sporting instant "communities" of suburban-type areas where commutes to work are 45 minutes, stores are big box and half-hour away, and soccer traffic bottlenecks everything on a daily basis. One of the top 10 revenue generating companies in the US happens to be one of the top developers.

The houses are designed by focus groups with prime requirements like maximum privacy and storage space (for the vast consumables people can't use). Major developers attract new buyers with the promise that personal living areas will face away from neighbors and the neighborhood.

It's a lifestyle that would implode without fossil fuels and depends precipitously on a culture of fear, personified by the fact that the top housing requests by new home owners are related to safety and security."

These really are popping up all over the place; the drive from San Francisco to Los Angeles is littered with them, both on 5 and the 101. They're eerie, to me the manifestation of a community built 100% around consumption and consuming; houses built for maximum profit, surrounding chain businesses glad to open branches nearby because of the immediate monopoly the isolation creates, a complete lack of concern for character, culture, real substance.. It's frightening. Is this the future of real estate? I hope this trend dies out soon.


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